
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Book Review - The Illustrated Herbal by Wilfred Blunt

The Illustrated HerbalThe Illustrated Herbal by Wilfrid Blunt

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For those interested in the history of the development of The Illustrated Herbal this is an excellent reference book. Initial indications (from skim reading it on the way home from the RHS Autumn Show at the Horticultural Show where I bought it) are that this book has amazing illustrations from a wide range of herbals - many of which are hundreds of years old. It also has in-depth coverage of the development of the herbal.

The authors are Wilfred Blunt - who wrote the much acclaimed book The Art of Botanical Illustration" - and Sandra Raphael

Very much recommended for all those interested in the history of the development of botanical art - and the the development of the illustrated herbal in particular

View all my reviews on Goodreads
View my resource site A History of Botanical Art

1 comment:

  1. Always wanted to have a series of this style of pictures. So beautiful.


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