
Tuesday 1 June 2010

Have you reviewed an art magazine?

My new website Art Magazines & Journals - Resources for Artists is, so far as I am aware, the only one which lists and links to all the better known magazines and journals for artists

It would be a good to develop it by adding in consumer views about the different journals.

I want to add in a section for reviews of magazines by artists.  So, if you've ever done an online review of a magazine or journal for artists - or read one - and can provide a link, can you please leave a link in a comment to this post so I can add it into my new resource.

What's your favourite magazine for artists?  There's also a poll this month on Making A Mark - about whether or not people subscribe to magazines for artists and which is their favourite magazine.

Click the link, you can find the poll in the right hand column - just below the pics of people who follow the blog.  Don't forget to answer both parts!

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