
Thursday 17 June 2010

'The Art of Botanical Painting' is being reprinted

I'm extremely pleased to hear that, after a very long delay, Harper Collins have decided to reprint The Art of Botanical Painting.

This book was written by Margaret Stevens, the Immediate Past President of the Society of Botanical Artists, in association with the Society - many of whose artists contributed botanical artwork for the book.  Consequently, it's excellent at showing you the standard of work required to become a member.

Margaret is also the Course Director of the Distance Learning Diploma Course in Botanical Art run by the Society of Botanical Painting - for which this book is a core set text.

It's been very difficult if not impossible to get hold of a brand new copy for quite some time.  Students wishing to do the course have had to buy second hand but even second hand copies are now proving difficult to find.

For those wishing to do the Diploma, I very much recommend that you buy a copy as soon as they become available which I understand will be August.

Applications for the next intake of Diploma students close in mid October.  Placing an order now will give prospective students a very good insight into what's involved before deciding whether to submit an application

For others interested in learning more about botanical painting I highly recommend this book as a standard primer.  You can read more in my Book Review: The Art of Botanical Painting (May 2009)
Summary:  An essential book for all artists contemplating the SBA's Diploma Course. An excellent introduction to botanical art for all experienced artists interested in developing their knowledge of and skills in botanical art
Links to below 

or, if you live in the USA and want to buy via, click The Art of Botanical Painting

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