
Tuesday 23 June 2009

I've got problems validating this blog's feed

The statistics for this blog have been very odd and I've discovered that I've got problems with the feed for this blog which in turn was:
  • producing some very odd results on the Feedburner validation page.
  • causing the subscription link to loop and not arrive at a subscription page
PLEASE let me know if it's causing a problem for you too.

In the meantime if anybody knows what the following is all about I'd love to hear from you!.
Use of unknown namespace:
I'd naievely assumed that Google wouldn't be using templates or code that was incompatible between its products - namely Blogger and Feedburner

By the way - did you know that Google doesn't use feedburner for the feeds for its own Google Blogs? I wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. One reason you aren't seeing subscribers to 'reviews' may be a problem with I use Mozilla Thunderbird to subscribe to RSS feeds but when I try to subscribe to 'makingamarkreviews' etc, it says the URL doesn't exist. On 'reviews,' I can't find information telling me how to set up the feed. Cheers.


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